NPC COMPETITION TIP: Baltazar Felicinmo

NPC COMPETITION TIP: Baltazar Felicinmo.


Always consult your doctor before beginning this or any training or diet/supplement program.
It is important to check with your healthcare practitioner before beginning any diet or exercise program.
These programs may not be appropriate for all individuals.
The content we provide is to help you broaden your understanding and knowledge of the health and fitness topics discussed on our website. This information should not be considered to be exhaustive of a particular topic, and should never be used in place of a visit or call to, consultation with or advice from your physician or other health care provider. We strongly recommend that you consult a health care professional prior to using any information or advice contained on this website that sets forth, illustrates, or suggests a particular diet, fitness program, workout regimen or activity. Further, we do not recommend the self-management of health problems because of the advice or recommendations contained in this magazine. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
We do not assume any liability for injuries that may occur while using any information contained on this website, regardless of whether a doctor was consulted.