NPC Bikini Competitor Trease Smock Gallery

NPC Bikini Competitor Trease Smock: Orlando, Florida Area Resident

Photos by John Hawley

Bio: I started contest prep for my first competition in 2003, where I competed in figure.  It was so different than the training I was use to, but I loved it.  In 2003, I did the Mid Florida Classic and won my class.  In 2010, I decided to focus more on my growth in my nursing career advancing into a Clinical Director role of a large cardiology practice and take a break from the stage.  After 4 years away from the stage and competition life, I decided in June 2014 to return once more. This time my driving force was the unexpected loss of my Father in February 2014.

My motivations to compete in the fitness industry are the results I see when following my trainer’s diets and workouts exactly.  The feeling of accomplishment and the overall feeling of eating super clean and working out is an addiction for me.  I know it’s a healthy lifestyle, steering away illnesses in my later years to remain as healthy as possible.
The most difficult portion for me is not the diet, not the work outs; it’s incorporating the schedule and time management of workouts.  As a registered nurse and clinical director of a large cardiology practice in Orlando, the time requirements of my career can make it challenging at times.  Things always seem to work out in a positive manner for both career in health care and the fitness competing.

The most understood aspect of my lifestyle that I am told by those surrounding me is my drive and willpower.  Working long hours in my career and still making the time to get work outs in, amazes people.  I can cook up a storm in the kitchen and be around ” unhealthy or non-contest prep food” turn my head the other direction and avoid indulging like it all does not even exist.