16Today’s NPC Athlete Spotlight is Amanda Eva.

My name is Amanda Eva and I have been involved in the fitness industry for 10 years now. I am a mother to 2 teenagers whom I love with all my life.

I went to college for Engineering and completed 2 ½ years before deciding I was more interested in social interactions and human behaviors. I graduated with a B.A. in Sociology and have a Masters degree in Student Development with a concentration in Social Justice Education. I absolutely love what I learned while in school and I practice all these theories in my every

I was raised in a very gendered home — boys did “boy” things, and girls did “girly” things.  I wasn’t necessarily considered a “tomboy” but I sure did defy those gender roles quite often while causing my parents their share of headaches.  Being that my parents wanted me to model the typical gender roles, participating in sports was definitely out of the question for me.  I remember in high school dealing with a lot of drama because I joined the track team against my parents’ wishes.  It wasn’t ideal for them to watch their fragile, small-framed daughter who’s supposed to be hitting the books and learning new cooking recipes to be sprinting in short shorts in front of a crowd.  They were horrified!
The rush I got from running track and learning about the amazing things the human body can accomplish when you put your mind to it, sparked my interest in lifting weights.  Our track coach would have us do a few sets in the weight room after practice and for me, it was love at first sight.  I was one of the few girls in the track team that really enjoyed hitting the weight room and always looked forward to it.

Once in college and with enough freedom, I was able to explore my athletic abilities and become more proactive about it. I took advantage of the many facilities at the university, joined several intramural volleyball teams (my other love) and of course, hitting the weight room on a regular basis.  Being the only woman in the weight room didn’t scare or intimidate me. On the contrary, it inspired me and made me feel stronger. It allowed me to practice the spiritual connection between my body and my mind.

When I gave birth to my 2nd child, I went from wanting to lose a few pounds to completely transforming my body. It took a lot of drive, determination and discpiline but I have been happier ever since I embarked on this journey! I strive to bring to the stage a package that I am completely happy and comfortable with that also meets the judging criteria for the NPC figure division.

My hope is to be able to share my knowledge and experiences with the many hats I wear as a woman educator, a writer,  a competitor, a makeup artist and a mother with the rest of the world.

“I would also like to give a huge shoutout and additional thanks to my friend and coach, IFBB Pro Fakhri Mubarak, who has been a huge source of inspiration and motivation these past 2 years”

Thank you Frank Sepe and NPC News for this spotlight!

*All photos and article courtesy of Amanda Eva

2013 – Eastern USA Championships – 2nd place Master’s Figure, 3rd place Open Figure A.

2012 – Bev Francis Atlantic States – 1st place and overall Masters Figure, 2nd Place Open Figure A.

2011- Steve Stone Metropolitans – 2nd place Masters Figure, 3rd place Open Figure A.

2010 – Bev Francis Atlantic States – 3rd place Open Figure A.
Steve Stone NY Metropolitans – 9th place Open Figure A.

2009 – Atlantic States – 5th place Open Figure A.

2007 – Team Universe – 16th place Open Open Figure A.

Kim Klein Empire States – 2nd place Open Figure A.

2005 – New England Championships – Figure Overall, 1st place Open Figure A.

2004 – New England Championships – 3rd Open Figure A.

2003 – Fitness Atlantic – DNP Open Figure.