IFBB Pro League Qualifier Rules


*Click on the black & white header image at the top of each division to download a PDF version
of the rules for that division.



All competitors must present themselves at Check-in where they will be registered and, if required, weighed and height-measured.


If required, all music must be submitted at Check-in.

Backstage Access

The only people permitted in the backstage area are approved officials and media.

Competitor Health

1. Any competitor who appears to be disoriented or light-headed, or who experiences undue cramping, will not be permitted to compete.

2. Any competitor disqualified for health reasons must be checked by the attending EMT and, if it is advised by the EMT, must go to the nearest hospital for evaluation.

3. Competitors who refuse to be evaluated by the EMT or at the hospital will be suspended from competition for a period of one year from the date of the occurrence.



For contests with 2 classes:

Lightweightup to and including 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg)
Heavyweightover 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg)

For contests with 3 classes:

Lightweightup to and including 165 ¼ lbs (75 kg)
Middleweightover 165 ¼ lbs (75 kg) up to and including 187 ¼ lbs (85 kg)
Heavyweightover 187 ¼ lbs (85 kg)

For contests with 4 classes:

Bantamweightup to and including 154 ¼ lbs (70 kg)
Lightweightover 154 ¼ lbs (70 kg) up to and including 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg)
Light-Heavyweightover 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg) up to and including 198 ¼ lbs (90 kg)
Heavyweightover 198 ¼ lbs (90 kg)

For contests with 5 classes:

Bantamweightup to and including 143 ¼ lbs (65 kg)
Lightweightover 143 ¼ lbs (65 kg) up to and including 154 ¼ lbs (70 kg)
Middleweightover 154 ¼ lbs (70 kg) up to and including 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg)
Light-Heavyweightover 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg) up to and including 198 ¼ lbs (90 kg)
Heavyweightover 198 ¼ lbs (90 kg)

For contests with 6 classes:

Bantamweightup to and including 143 ¼ lbs (65 kg)
Lightweightover 143 ¼ lbs (65 kg) up to and including 154 ¼ lbs (70 kg)
Middleweightover 154 ¼ lbs (70 kg) up to and including 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg)
Light-Heavyweightover 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg) up to and including 198 ¼ lbs (90 kg)
Heavyweightover 198 ¼ lbs (90 kg) up to and including 225 ¼ lbs (102 kg)
Super Heavyweightover 225 ¼ lbs (102 kg)

For contests with 7 classes:

Bantamweightup to and including 143 ¼ lbs (65 kg)
Lightweightover 143 ¼ lbs (65 kg) up to and including 154 ¼ lbs (70 kg)
Welterweightover 154 ¼ lbs (70 kg) up to and including 165 ¼ lbs (75 kg)
Middleweightover 165 ¼ lbs (70 kg) up to and including 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg)
Light-Heavyweightover 176 ¼ lbs (80 kg) up to and including 198 ¼ lbs (90 kg)
Heavyweightover 198 ¼ lbs (90 kg) up to and including 225 ¼ lbs (102 kg)
Super Heavyweightover 225 ¼ lbs (102 kg)


1. Posing suits must be standard men’s swimsuit with at least ½ rear coverage. Suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency. Thongs are prohibited.

2. Posing suits must be one color. Fringe, wording, sparkle or fluorescents is prohibited.

3. Competitors must not alter the fit of the posing suit by hiking it up in the back or by pulling up the sides during Front and Rear Lat Spreads.


1. Posing music must be on a CD or USB stick.

2. Posing music must be the only music on the CD or USB stick.

3. Posing music must not contain vulgar lyrics. Competitors using music containing vulgar lyrics will be disqualified.


1. During the Judging, competitors shall not wear jewelry except for a wedding band.

2. Prescription eyewear (except sun glasses) is permitted.

3. The following is prohibited while onstage:

a. Props

b. Chewing gum

c. “Moon Pose” (any competitor performing this pose will be disqualified)

d. Lying on the stage.

e. Bumping and shoving (the first and second person involved will be disqualified)

4. Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the posing suit during the Judging and Finals.




1. Each competitor proceeds to center-stage individually in numerical order and automatically performs the mandatory poses. No signal from the Head Judge is required.

2. Each competitor has a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the poses. A warning will be given when 10 seconds remain.

3. Competitors are not required to use the full 60 seconds.

4. The mandatory poses are:

a. Front Double Biceps

b. Front Lat Spread

c. Side Chest

d. Back Double Biceps

e. Back Lat Spread

f. Side Triceps

g. Abdominals and Thighs


1. The Head Judge will call the competitors, in small groups and in numerical order, to center stage to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses.

2. In the call-outs, the Head Judge will direct specific competitors to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses. Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other.

*Judges will score competitors according to the “total package”, which is a balance of size, symmetry and muscularity.



1. Competitors are called onstage individually in numerical order to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

2. The length of the posing routine is a maximum of 60 seconds.

3. Depending on the number of competitors, the promoter and Head Judge may decide that only the top finalists shall perform their posing routine.

Confirmation (if necessary*)

Competitors are called onstage and, under the direction of the Head Judge, are compared in groups while performing the mandatory poses.

*The judging panel, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to re-judge using a Confirmation round.

Posedown (overall title only)

The top finalists take part in a 60-second posedown.


1. The Judging is scored 100%.

2. Ties are broken using the Relative Placement method.



For contests with 2 classes:

Lightweightup to and including 125 lbs (57 kg)
Heavyweightover 125 lbs (57 kg)

For contests with 3 classes:

Lightweightup to and including 125 lbs (57 kg)
Middleweightover 125 lbs (57 kg) up to and including 140 lbs (64 kg)
Heavyweightover 140 lbs (64 kg)

For contests with 4 classes:

Bantamweightup to and including 115 lbs (52 kg)
Lightweightover 115 lbs (52 kg) up to and including 125 lbs (57 kg)
Light-Heavyweightover 125 lbs (57 kg) up to and including 140 lbs (64 kg)
Heavyweightover 140 lbs (64 kg)


1. Posing suit bottoms must be V-shaped with at least ½ rear coverage. Suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency. Thongs are prohibited.

2. Posing suits may include a printed design with fringes, lace, sparkle or fluorescents.

3. Competitors must not alter the fit of the posing suit by hiking it up in the back or by pulling up the sides during Front and Rear Lat Spreads.


1. Posing music must be on a CD or USB stick.

2. Posing music must be the only music on the CD or USB stick.

3. Posing music must not contain vulgar lyrics. Competitors using music containing vulgar lyrics will be disqualified.


1. During the Judging, competitors shall not wear jewelry except for a wedding band. During the Finals, earrings and other jewelry may be worn.

2. During the Judging, the hair must be worn up, off the shoulders and back. Decorative pieces in the hair are prohibited. During the Finals, the hair may be worn down and decorative pieces in the hair are permitted.

3. Prescription eyewear (except sunglasses) is permitted.

4. The following is prohibited while onstage:

a. Props

b. Chewing gum

c. “Moon Pose” (any competitor performing this pose will be disqualified)

d. Lying on the stage.

e. Bumping and shoving (the first and second person involved will be disqualified)

5. Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the posing suit bottom during the Judging and Finals.




1. Each competitor proceeds to center-stage individually in numerical order and automatically performs the mandatory poses. No signal from the Head Judge is required.

2. Each competitor has a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the poses. A warning will be given when 10 seconds remain.

3. Competitors are not required to use the full 60 seconds.

4. The mandatory poses are:

a. Front Double Biceps

b. Front Lat Spread

c. Side Chest

d. Back Double Biceps

e. Back Lat Spread

f. Side Triceps

g. Abdominals and Thighs


1. The Head Judge will call the competitors, in small groups and in numerical order, to center stage to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses.

2. In the call-outs, the Head Judge will direct specific competitors to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses. Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other.

*Judges will score competitors according to the “total package”, which is a balance of size, symmetry and muscularity.



1. Competitors are called onstage individually in numerical order to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

2. The length of the posing routine is a maximum of 60 seconds.

3. Depending on the number of competitors, the promoter and Head Judge may decide that only the top finalists shall perform their posing routine.

Confirmation (if necessary*)

Competitors are called onstage and, under the direction of the Head Judge, are compared in groups while performing the mandatory poses.

*The judging panel, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to re-judge using a Confirmation round.

Posedown (overall title only)

The top finalists take part in a 60-second posedown.


1. The Judging is scored 100%.

2. Ties are broken using the Relative Placement method.



For contests with 2 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 3” (160 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 3” (160 cm)

For contests with 3 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 2” (157 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 2” and up to and including 5’ 4 ½” (164 cm)
Class COver 5’ 4 ½” (164 cm)


1. Competitors may dress as they deem appropriate to perform their fitness routines, except that:

a. Fitness routine attire must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency.

b. Thongs are prohibited.

2. Athletic footwear may be worn at the discretion of the competitor.


1. Routine music must be on a CD or USB stick.

2. Routine music must be the only music on the CD or USB stick.

3. Routine music must not contain vulgar lyrics. Competitors using music containing vulgar lyrics will be disqualified.


1. Prescription eyewear is permitted. Sunglasses are permitted if they are an accessory to the routine attire.

2. Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the routine attire.

3. Props are permitted under the following conditions:

a. They must be of a size and weight to allow transport onto and off the stage by the competitor, without assistance.

b. They must not leave any residue on the stage that might cause a safety hazard for other competitors, or that might require cleaning the stage before subsequent use by other competitors.

c. If discarded during the routine, they must be transported off the stage by the competitor, without assistance.

4. Competitors are prohibited from wearing product i.e. oils, lotions, creams, etc. that may leave slippery residue on the stage.




1. Competitors are called onstage individually in numerical order to perform a fitness routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

2. The length of the fitness routine is a maximum of 2 minutes.

3. As part of the routine, competitors must perform the following 4 mandatory movements:

a. push up of any kind

b. high kick

c. straddle hold

d. side split


The fitness routine is scored 100% based on the following criteria:

The amount and types of strength moves. The degree of difficulty of these moves. The ease and correctness of the moves.

The number and types of flexibility moves. The degree of difficulty of these moves. The ease and correctness of the
CardiovascularThe tempo of the routine.
Overall PackageFull general assessment including but not limited to creativity, stage presence, outfits, hair and make-up



For all contests with 2 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 4” (163 cm)

For all contests with 3 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class COver 5’ 6” (168 cm)

For all contests with 4 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 2” (157 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 2” and up to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class COver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 6” (168 cm)

For all contests with 6 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 1” (155 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 1” and up to and including 5’ 2 ½” (159 cm)
Class COver 5’ 2 ½” and up to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 5 ½” (166 cm)
Class EOver 5’ 5 ½” and up to and including 5’ 7” (170 cm)
Class FOver 5’ 7” (170 cm)


1. Competitors compete in a two-piece suit. The bottom of the suit must be v-shaped. Thongs are prohibited. Competitors can compete in an off-the-rack suit. All suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency.

2. Competitors must wear high heels.

3. Competitors may wear jewelry.


1. Prescription eyewear (except sunglasses) is permitted.

2. Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the suit bottom at all times while onstage.




1. Each competitor, in numerical order, walks to the center of the stage and performs the quarter turns. Length of time allowed is 30 seconds.

2. Depending on the number of competitors in the class, each competitor may be directed to:

a. exit the stage until the entire class has performed the quarter turns at which time the entire class is called back onstage; or

b. line up along diagonal lines on the sides of the stage.


1. The Head Judge will call the competitors, in small groups and in numerical order, to center stage to perform the quarter turns.

2. In the call-outs, the Head Judge will direct specific competitors to perform the quarter turns. Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other.


The Presentation and Comparisons are scored 100% using the following criteria:

1. Small degree of muscularity with separation, no visible striations

2. Overall muscle tone with shapely lines, overall firmness and not excessively lean

3. Full general assessment

4. Healthy appearance

5. Skin tone and make-up

*If necessary, the judging panel, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to re-judge at the Finals using a Confirmation round.



For all contests with 2 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 4” (163 cm)

For all contests with 3 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class COver 5’ 6” (168 cm)

For all contests with 4 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 2” (157 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 2” and up to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class COver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 6” (168 cm)

For all contests with 6 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 1” (155 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 1” and up to and including 5’ 2 ½” (159 cm)
Class COver 5’ 2 ½” and up to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 5 ½” (166 cm)
Class EOver 5’ 5 ½” and up to and including 5’ 7” (170 cm)
Class FOver 5’ 7” (170 cm)

For all contests with 8 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 1” (155 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 1” and up to and including 5’ 2” (157 cm)
Class COver 5’ 2” and up to and including 5’ 3” (160 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 3” and up to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class EOver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 5” (165 cm)
Class FOver 5’ 5” and up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class GOver 5’ 6” and up to and including 5’ 7” (170 cm)
Class HOver 5’ 7” (170 cm)


1. Competitors compete in a two-piece suit. The bottom of the suit must be v-shaped. Thongs are prohibited. Competitors can compete in an off-the-rack suit. All suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency.

2. Competitors must wear high heels.

3. Competitors may wear jewelry.


1. Prescription eyewear (except sunglasses) are permitted.

2. Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the suit bottom at all times while onstage.




1. Each competitor, in numerical order, walks onstage and performs their “Model Walk” (personal preference).

2. The “Model Walk” is described as follows:

Walk to the center of the stage, stop and do a front stance, then a full turn and do a back stance, then turn to the front again and face the judges. Length of time allowed is 30 seconds.

3. Depending on the number of competitors in the class, each competitor may be directed to:

a. exit the stage until the entire class has performed the “Model Walk” at which time the entire class is called back onstage; or

b. line up along diagonal lines on the sides of the stage.


1. The Head Judge will call the competitors, in small groups and in numerical order, to center stage to perform the front and back pose.

2. In the call-outs, the Head Judge will direct specific competitors to perform the front and back pose. Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other in half turns (no side judging – front and back only).


The Presentation and Comparisons are scored 100% using the following criteria:

1. Balance and shape

2. Overall physical appearance including complexion, skin tone, poise and presentation.

*If necessary, the judging panel, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to re-judge at the Finals using a Confirmation round.



For all contests with 2 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 8” (173 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 8” (173 cm)

For all contests with 3 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 7” (170 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 7” and up to and including 5’ 10” (178 cm)
Class COver 5’ 10” (178 cm)

For all contests with 4 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 6” and up to and including 5’ 8” (173 cm)
Class COver 5’ 8” and up to and including 5’ 10” (178 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 10” (178 cm)

For all contests with 6 classes:

Class AUp to & including 5’ 7” (170 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 7” and up to and including 5’ 8” (173 cm)
Class COver 5’ 8” and up to and including 5’ 9” (175 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 9” and up to and including 5’ 11” (180 cm)
Class EOver 5’ 11” and up to and including 6’ (183 cm)
Class FOver 6’ (183 cm)

For all contests with 8 classes:

Class AUp to & including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 6” and up to and including 5’ 7 ½” (171 cm)
Class COver 5’ 7 ½” and up to and including 5’ 8 ½” (174 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 8 ½” and up to and including 5’ 9 ½” (177 cm)
Class EOver 5’ 9 ½” and up to and including 5’ 10 ½’ (179 cm)
Class FOver 5’ 10 ½” and up to and including 5’ 11 ½” (182 cm)
Class GOver 5’ 11 ½” and up to and including 6’ 1” (185 cm)
Class HOver 6’ 1” (185 cm)


1. Competitors compete in Board Shorts.

2. The shorts must be above the knee in length and can be 1” below the belly button.

3. Spandix is not permitted.

4. Logos are not permitted except that a manufacturer’s logo (i.e. Nike, Billabong) is acceptable.

5. Competitors complete shirtless and barefoot.


1. Prescription eyewear (except sunglasses) is permitted.

2. Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the shorts at all times while onstage.

3. The “Moon Pose” is prohibited.

4. Gymnastic moves are prohibited.




1. Each competitor, in numerical order, walks onstage and performs front and back turns, finishing facing the judges. Length of time allowed is 30 seconds.

2. Depending on the number of competitors in the class, each competitor may be directed to:

a. exit the stage until the entire class has performed the front and back turns at which time the entire class is called back onstage; or

b. line up along diagonal lines on the sides of the stage.


1. The Head Judge will call the competitors, in small groups and in numerical order, to center stage to perform the front and back turns.

2. In the call-outs, the Head Judge will direct specific competitors to perform the front and back turns. Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other in the front and back turns.


The Presentation and Comparisons are scored 100%.

Muscularity and Body Condition

Judges will be looking for fit competitors who display proper shape and symmetry combined with muscularity and overall condition. This is not a bodybuilding contest so extreme muscularity should be marked down.

Stage Presence and Personality

Judges are looking for the competitor with the best stage presence and poise who can successfully convey his personality to the audience.

*If necessary, the judging panel, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to re-judge at the Finals using a Confirmation round.



For all contests with 2 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 6” (168 cm)

For all contests with 3 classes:

Class AUp to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class COver 5’ 6” (168 cm)

For all contests with 4 classes:

Class AUp to & including 5’ 2” (157 cm)
Class BOver 5’ 2” and up to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
Class COver 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
Class DOver 5’ 6” (168 cm)


1. Competitors compete in a two-piece bikini.

2. The bikini bottom must be v-shaped. Thongs are prohibited.

3. The bikini must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency.

4. Competitors can compete in an off-the-rack bikini.

5. The bikini does not have to be solid in color.


1. Posing music must be on a CD or USB stick.

2. Posing music must be the only music on the CD or USB stick.

3. Posing music must not contain vulgar lyrics. Competitors using music containing vulgar lyrics will be disqualified.


1. Prescription eyewear (except sunglasses) is permitted.

2. Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the bikini bottom at all times while onstage.

3. Competitors compete barefoot.

4. The “Moon Pose” is prohibited.

5. Lying on the stage is prohibited.

6. Gymnastic moves are prohibited.




1. Each competitor, in numerical order, walks onstage and performs the mandatory poses as follows:

a. Front double biceps/open hands (no flat footed full front pose – some sort of front twisting pose)

b. Back double biceps/open hands

c. Side triceps with leg extended

d. Side chest with arms extended

e. Front abdominals and thighs

2. The competitor has up to 60 seconds to perform the mandatory poses. A 10-second warning will be given.

3. Depending on the number of competitors in the class, each competitor may be directed to:

a. exit the stage until the entire class has performed the mandatory poses at which time the entire class is called back onstage; or

b. line up along diagonal lines on the sides of the stage.


1. The Head Judge will call the competitors, in small groups and in numerical order, to center stage to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses.

2. In the call-outs, the Head Judge will direct specific competitors to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses. Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other.



1. Competitors are called onstage individually in numerical order to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

2. The length of the posing routine is a maximum of 60 seconds.

3. Depending on the number of competitors, the promoter and Head Judge may decide that only the top finalists shall perform their posing routine.

Confirmation (if necessary*)

Competitors are called onstage and, under the direction of the Head Judge, are compared in groups while performing the quarter turns and mandatory poses.

*The judging panel, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to re-judge using a Confirmation round.

Posedown (overall title only)

The top finalists take part in a 60-second posedown.


1. The Judging is scored 100%.

2. Ties are broken using the Relative Placement method.

Comments on Judging

The Women’s Physique division has been created to provide a platform for women who enjoy weight training, contest preparation and competing. Competitors should display a toned, athletic physique showcasing femininity, muscle tone, and the beauty and flow of the physique.

The following are examples of common terms used in the bodybuilding industry. These words can be helpful to assess what should not be descriptive of the physiques being judged in Women’s Physique – ripped, shredded, peeled, striated, dry, diced, hard, vascular, grainy, massive, thick, dense, etc.

All types of physiques will be considered when it comes to height, weight, structure, etc. Excessive muscularity should be scored down.

Women’s Physique competitors should have the overall aesthetics and look that is found in Figure with a little more overall muscularity.



For contests with 2 classes:

Class Aup to and including 5’ 9” (175 cm)
Class Bover 5’ 9” (175 cm)
*must make weight as indicated below

For contests with 3 classes:

Class Aup to and including 5’ 7” (170 cm)
Class Bover 5’ 7”, up to and including 5’ 10” (178 cm)
Class Cover 5’ 10” (178 cm)
*must make weight as indicated below

For contests with 4 classes and multiple categories within each class:

Class “A” (up to and including 5’ 7/170 cm)

Up to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)Up to and including 160 lbs (73 kg)
Over 5’ 4”, up to and including 5’ 5” (165 cm)Up to and including 165 lbs (75 kg)
Over 5’ 5”, up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)Up to and including 170 lbs (77 kg)
Over 5’ 6”, up to and including 5’ 7” (170 cm)Up to and including 175 lbs (79 kg)

Class “B” (over 5’ 7”, up to and including 5’ 10”/178 cm)

Over 5’ 7”, up to and including 5’ 8” (173 cm)Up to and including 182 lbs (83 kg)
Over 5’ 8”, up to and including 5’ 9” (175 cm)Up to and including 190 lbs (86 kg)
Over 5’ 9”, up to and including 5’ 10” (178 cm)Up to and including 197 lbs (89 kg)

Class “C” (over 5’ 10”, up to and including 6’ 0″/183 cm)

Over 5’ 10”, up to and including 5” 11” (180 cm)Up to and including 205 lbs (93 kg)
Over 5’ 11”, up to and including 6’ 0” (183 cm)Up to and including 212 lbs (96 kg)

Class “D” (over 6’ 0”/183 cm)

Over 6’ 0”, up to and including 6’ 1” (185 cm)Up to and including 220 lbs (100 kg)
Over 6’ 1”, up to and including 6’ 2” (188 cm)Up to and including 230 lbs (104 kg)
Over 6’ 2”, up to and including 6’ 3” (191 cm)Up to and including 237 lbs (108 kg)
Over 6’ 3”, up to and including 6’ 4” (193 cm)Up to and including 245 lbs (111 kg)
Over 6’ 4”, up to and including 6’ 5” (196 cm)Up to and including 252 lbs (114 kg)
Over 6’ 5”, up to and including 6’ 6” (198 cm)Up to and including 260 lbs (118 kg)
Over 6’ 6”, up to and including 6’ 7” (201 cm)Up to and including 267 lbs (121 kg)
Over 6’ 7” (201 cm)Up to and including 275 lbs (125 kg)


Competitors are required to wear posing shorts (see image below). Board shorts or bodybuilding posing trunks are prohibited. Competitors are required to wear the same type of cut and all shorts that are worn in competition must be black.


1. Posing music must be on a CD or USB stick.

2. Posing music must be the only music on the CD or USB stick.

3. Posing music must not contain vulgar lyrics. Competitors using music containing vulgar lyrics will be disqualified.


1. During the Judging, competitors shall not wear jewelry except for a wedding band.

2. Prescription eyewear (except sun glasses) is permitted.

3. The following is prohibited while onstage:

a. Props

b. Chewing gum

c. “Moon Pose” (any competitor performing this pose will be disqualified)

d. Lying on the stage.

e. Bumping and shoving (the first and second person involved will be disqualified)

4. Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the posing suit during the Judging and Finals.




1. Each competitor proceeds to center-stage individually in numerical order and automatically performs the mandatory poses. No signal from the Head Judge is required.

2. Each competitor has a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the poses. A warning will be given when 10 seconds remain.

3. Competitors are not required to use the full 60 seconds.

4. The mandatory poses are:

a. Front Double Biceps

b. Side Chest

c. Back Double Biceps

d. Abdominals and Thighs

e. Favorite Classic Pose (no Most Muscular)


1. The Head Judge will call the competitors, in small groups and in numerical order, to center stage to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses.

2. In the call-outs, the Head Judge will direct specific competitors to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses. Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other.

*Judges will score competitors according to the “total package”, which is a balance of size, symmetry and muscularity.



1. Competitors are called onstage individually in numerical order to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

2. The length of the posing routine is a maximum of 60 seconds.

3. Depending on the number of competitors, the promoter and Head Judge may decide that only the top finalists shall perform their posing routine.

Confirmation (if necessary*)

Competitors are called onstage and, under the direction of the Head Judge, are compared in groups while performing the mandatory poses.

*The judging panel, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to re-judge using a Confirmation round.

Posedown (overall title only)

The top finalists take part in a 60-second posedown.


1. The Judging is scored 100%.

Ties are broken using the Relative Placement method.