Head To Head: Wolf Vs Rhoden

Head To Head: IFBB Bodybuilder’s Dennis Wolf and Shawn Rhoden.
Who will place higher at this years Arnold Classic?


This years Arnold Classic will be one of the best ever. Click Here for show information.
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder’s Dennis Wolf and Shawn Rhoden will be taking the stage at this years show. Dennis placed third in both the Mr.Olympia and The IFBB Arnold Classic Europe. Shawn Rhoden also had a successful 2013. He placed right behind Wolf at both the Olympia (4th place) and the Arnold Classic Europe(4th place). In 2014 the slate gets wiped clean and theese two will go at it again. Who will place higher? You make the call!!!

Dennis Wolf 2013 Competition Photos: Click Here.


Shawn Rhoden – 2013 Contest Photos: Click Here


504521Comparison Shots..Click here for more photos from the Mr.Olympia.