Around the NPC/IFBB: 2015 Arnold Sports Festival International Sports Hall of Fame


International Sports Hall of Fame a HUGE SUCCESS! 

Over 100 members of the international press and legendary World Champions from numerous sports witnessed the once in a lifetime experience of seeing these world famous sports Icons and Hollywood action stars inducted:
Paul “TRIPLE H” Levesque-13 Time World WWE Champion,
Evander Holyfield-5 time World Boxing Champion,
Lenda Murray-8 Time Ms. Olympia World Bodybuilding Champion,
Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson-11 Time World Kickboxing Champion & movie star.
Ed Coan-Holder of over 70 World Powerlifting Records
Michael Jai White-Holder 8 Black Belts & Movie star

Over 200,000 attendees in over 50 sports and over 20,000 competing athletes experienced the amazing Arnold Sports Festival weekend, with its jewel being the International Sports Hall of Fame induction ceremony.